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Houston, TX 77027


How Common are Deadly Truck Crashes?

How Common are Deadly Truck Crashes?

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How common are deadly truck crashes in the United States? Data compiled by the U.S. Department of Transportation and its affiliated agencies shows that truckers, on average, have viewer accidents per 100 million miles driven by any type of motorist. Even still, the number of deaths that result from these truck-involved crashes is significantly higher than the fatalities that result from any other type of motor vehicle accident.

If you have lost a loved one in a fatal truck accident, you may have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Contact a wrongful death attorney in Houston at Reich & Binstock for a free evaluation of your case.

Trucking Accident Statistics

Statistics published by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety in 2010 showed that U.S. truckers traveled an estimated 286,585 miles. Of all the truck crashes that occurred that year, 3,413 people were killed. An overwhelming 72% of those who died were motorists driving passenger cars. Another 14% of the fatalities were the truckers themselves. At least 13% of them were pedestrians, bicyclists or motorcyclists.

Fatal Tractor Trailer Accidents

At least 75% of the truck crashes that occurred that year were tractor-trailer ones. The other 25% involve large-sized single trucks. At least 61% of the fatal accidents that occurred happened on major roadways such as interstates.

Factors that Contribute to Deadly Truck Crashes

Common factors that result in truck crashes include shifting cargo, tire blowouts and mechanical failure. Reckless driving such as speeding, improper lane changes and lane drifting are also responsible for many of these crashes. Many truckers fail to avoid road hazards and operate their trucks while fatigued. This also causes them to have accidents.

Although truckers undergo special training to learn how to properly operate their trucks, factors such as inexperience, distractions and stress may cause them to operate their tractor-trailer in an unsafe way.

One of the best courses of action that you can take if you’ve suffered serious injuries in a crash is to consult with an attorney who handles truck accidents. It’s important that the lawyer that you reach out to is skilled at compiling evidence necessary to prove negligence in the most complex Texas cases. Call 713-622-7271 to schedule a free consultation with a top Houston truck accident lawyer.

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