Hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel oil were released into Galveston Bay in March 2014 after a barge collided with a tanker. Property was damaged. Livelihoods suffered setbacks. People who depend on the seafood industry, people whose businesses serve beach goers, and many others may be entitled to compensation as a result of the financially suffocating fallout.
The chemical exposure and property contamination attorneys at Reich & Binstock are investigating the economic impact of this disaster and are offering to victims their considerable expertise in handling property contamination lawsuits.
Under the leadership of Founding Partner Dennis Reich, the experienced attorneys at Reich & Binstock have taken a leadership role in representing victims in property contamination lawsuits. For instance, in these types of cases, they have served on plaintiffs’ steering committees and as lead counsel for a class of plaintiffs.
The law firm, which is based in Houston and operates in all 50 states, represents the city of Houston in litigation against BP triggered by the April 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil-rig explosion and spill. The petition in that property contamination lawsuit asserts that the city of Houston is entitled to “punitive damages at the highest level” in addition to “economic and compensatory damages” and other relief.
Wherever and whenever wanton recklessness plays a role in chemical contamination, thusly injuring property owners and indeed anyone who is simply trying to make a living, the victims can count on the property contamination attorneys at Reich & Binstock, who have earned settlements for their clients in these types of cases, to wield their wealth of expertise and to fight for justice.
These cases can be complex. The defendants surely can have considerable legal resources. For these and other reasons, the victims in property contamination lawsuits require and deserve legal representation with specialized skills in this area of litigation. Those affected by the sludge released into Galveston Bay are included.
Reich & Binstock offers a free consultation. Dennis Reich can be reached at either 713-622-7271.
For more information on Reich & Binstock’s track record in the Deepwater Horizon litigation, visit /property-contamination/deepwater-horizon-oil-spill.html