There have been many lawsuits filed in the U.S. over the last several years regarding a type of product known as ‘trans-vaginal mesh.’ You may be aware of this through news reports, or seeing television commercials seeking out people who have been injured by the devices. There are now indications that a similar product may become the subject of products liability litigation. That product is surgical mesh used mainly in hernia operations.
This surgical mesh is used by surgeons to aid in repairing hernias in their patients, and is left in the person’s body after the surgery. There are now claims, however, that the mesh creates a risk of infection and inflammation in the patients, and that the materials of which it is made is incompatible with long-term contact with human tissue.
Several lawsuits have been filed in federal courts, and one of the main companies involved is Ethicon, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. This company reportedly voluntarily withdrew (which is different than a ‘recall’) after unpublished studies from Europe placed the safety of its use into question. There are also reports that a patient had to have this type of mesh removed after it adhered to vital organs in her body. The lawsuits aver that the products in question were defectively designed and unreasonably dangerous.
Major surgery, such as that to repair a hernia, is painful and traumatic enough. Patients should not be having to worry about the safety of materials placed inside their bodies. The results of these kind of defective products are further injury to the patient, longer recovery times and possibly more surgeries done to remove the defective products, causing further medical expenses. Those who have been injured by a defective product may wish to consider speaking with an experienced products liability attorney.
Source:, “A Tangle of Hernia Mesh Complaints,” Jane Mundy, January 15, 2017