There are plenty of teenage boys who needed the antipsychotic Risperdal. But none of them deserved what the product liability attorneys at Reich & Binstock have seen in their venerable 30-year-old law practice.
A shocking sight, youthful victims of Risperdal developed a condition known as gynecomastia, the development of female-like breast tissue.
Allegedly, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, the maker of the drug, either knew or should have known about this hideous side effect in younger male patients. Surely, the drug should have come with adequate warnings about the relationship in young males between Risperdal and gynecomastia.
There is no doubt that Janssen marketed the drug to minors before the FDA approved it for use by minors. That fact was brought out in the FDA’s November 2013 statement concerning Janssen’s agreement to pay $1.6 billion in criminal and civil penalties for misbranding and for other violations.
As the FDA’s statement reads, “[Janssen] also marketed Risperdal for use in children with behavior challenges, despite known health risks to children and adolescents. Until late in 2006, Risperdal was not approved for use in children for any purpose, and the FDA repeatedly advised the company that promoting its use in children was problematic and could be evidence of a violation of the law.”
Minors suffering from Risperdal-induced breast enlargement deserved better from the manufacturer. The experienced attorneys at Reich & Binstock have been offering free consultations to these unfortunate patients.
Reich & Binstock will leverage its decades of experience in trying product liability cases against pharmaceutical companies to provide the first-rate legal representation that young Risperdal victims deserve.
For a free consultation, call the law firm’s toll-free number or visit the firm’s website and send an electronic request. Residency is not a factor because Reich & Binstock operates in all 50 states.