4265 San Felipe # 1000
Houston, TX 77027



Top Houston Trucking Accident Attorney

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Have you been involved in a truck accident that injured you or a loved one? A Houston truck accident lawyer with our firm will fight for those who have been injured in trucking or 18-wheeler truck accidents in Houston.

We negotiate with the insurance company or companies to get you the compensation you deserve and are prepared to go to trial if you aren’t offered a fair settlement from your truck accident claim.

Truck Accident Claims are Complex

Texas truck accident claims are typically more complex than standard car accident claims. This is because truck drivers operating commercial trucks and their employers are required to abide by strict federal and local laws as well as motor carrier safety administration practices. And, also because these commercial truck accidents can potentially result in more serious injuries.

A truck crash claim might also involve more negligent parties than you’d see in a typical car accident case, such as trucking companies and their drivers.

If you’ve been hurt in a Houston truck accident, seek justice and compensation for your losses today with the help of an experienced truck accident attorney.

Contact Reich & Binstock, a Houston truck accident law firm, as soon as possible.

Houston Trucking Accident Lawyer

trucking accident lawyer houston

How Houston Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help Your Truck Accident Case

If you have been in a trucking accident, it’s important to speak with an experienced truck accident lawyer. A Houston truck accident lawyer may be able to help you recover damages for injuries and lost wages that resulted from the truck crash.

If your truck accident case goes to trial, your Houston truck accident attorney may also negotiate on your behalf for additional compensation such as punitive damages or pain and suffering awards.

Proving Truck Driver Negligence

The experienced Houston truck accident attorneys at Reich & Binstock have been protecting the rights of truck accident victims since 1984, and they have the know-how to get the job done right.

To prove truck driver or truck company negligence, the Houston truck accident lawyers at Reich and Binstock can:

  • Investigate your truck accident case
  • Gather police reports
  • Thoroughly review the accident report
  • Review trucking logs
  • Check the truck’s black box
  • Pull information from shipping schedules
  • Look into the truck driver’s record
  • Investigate the trucking companies responsible for your loved one’s injuries or death

Furthermore, if a truck company pressured a truck driver to break the law. Or, if a truck driver broke federal hours of service laws, the Houston trucking accident attorneys at Reich & Binstock may be able to hold the truck driver and trucking company accountable.

Fighting for Maximum Compensation

While it’s true that you aren’t required to hire legal counsel for a truck wreck, it is in your best interest to do so. Working with experienced truck accident lawyers can help you understand the true value of your case. We have what it takes to evaluate your claim and add up your losses to seek maximum compensation.

The insurance company will do everything it can to get you to accept a lowball settlement and avoid paying what you deserve. A Texas truck accident lawyer with our firm will negotiate with the insurance company and even go to trial to seek full and fair compensation. You have a much greater chance of a favorable settlement when working with a skilled personal injury attorney.

Catastrophic Injuries From Houston Trucking Accidents

houston truck accident attorney

Losing a family member to a trucking accident is devastating. The loss of a loved one resulting from a truck driver’s negligence is something that no one should have to endure.

Although fatal truck accidents cannot be undone, seeking justice through a wrongful death lawsuit may hold the trucking company or the truck driver accountable if they were responsible for that loss.

The circumstances presented in the aftermath of an 18-wheeler accident are unique. They should be handled by experienced trucking accident attorneys who have a proven track record for truck accident lawsuits and who can offer truck accident victims the representation that they deserve.

Why Do I Need a Houston Truck Accident Lawyer?

In the aftermath of an 18-wheeler or truck accident, victims and their families might find themselves facing long rehabilitation periods for severe injuries, expensive medical bills, missed time from work, and lost wages, and they may find themselves struggling to make ends meet.

Truck accidents can result in extremely serious injuries and even death. The sheer weight and size of tractor-trailers make truck accidents much more destructive than standard car accidents. The destruction is often exacerbated by the heavy freight that each semi-truck carries.

Injuries sustained in a tractor-trailer accident can leave the truck accident victim permanently disabled, persistently in pain, or both.

Seeking justice for truck accident injuries sustained in a trucking accident is one of the only ways to hold commercial trucking companies or truck drivers accountable.

The pursuit of justice in a Houston truck accident lawsuit also helps to ensure that truck drivers abide by safety regulations.

The best way to ensure that your claim is taken seriously by both the courts and the commercial trucking company is to hire an experienced truck accident attorney in Houston.

At Reich and Binstock, we’ve taken truck accident cases for decades, standing by and litigating on behalf of accident victims until justice is served.

What Causes Houston Truck Accidents?

truck accident attorney houston

Most truck accidents are the result of human error. Truck drivers are not exempt from responsibility.

In fact, truck drivers and trucking companies are held to a higher standard than passenger vehicle drivers because trucks carry heavier weights and pose a greater risk to the public.

Common Causes of Houston 18 Wheeler Accidents

These are the most common causes of trucking accidents in Houston, Texas.

Truck drivers are required to abide by strict hours of service laws. Drivers cannot operate a truck for longer than 11 hours in a workday, and they must stop working 14 hours after they initially clock in.

Rest is important for safe driving. A tired truck driver is likely to make critical errors behind the wheel.

In fact, research has shown that tired drivers can be just as dangerous as drunk drivers, in some situations.

Certain types of health issues can make a truck driver less safe behind the wheel. For example, certain kinds of medications can impact a driver’s alertness.

Truck drivers are required to undergo medical examinations before they can get a commercial driver’s license, but trucking companies also have a responsibility to vet their drivers.

When a truck suffers a blown tire, brake failure, or mechanical failure, the consequences can be far more serious. A blown tire can result in a truck driver losing control of his or her vehicle. Brake failure can lead to serious accidents.

Trucking companies have a responsibility to perform regular maintenance on vehicles. When a trucking company puts its bottom lines above safety, truck accidents can happen.

jackknife truck accident houston

Truck drivers, like other drivers, should put down their cell phones when driving. However, if a truck driver is checking his or her GPS, answering a call, or checking text messages, accidents can happen.

Unfortunately, truck drivers, like other drivers, are subject to the same vices suffered by the general population. If truck drivers abuse painkillers or other substances, they can seriously endanger others on the road.

What Are the Most Common Truck Accident Injuries?

Any time there is a wreck with a commercial truck, accident victims usually sustain severe injuries. The most common injuries sustained from trucking accidents are head injuries. This includes traumatic brain injuries-concussions, lacerations, or blunt head trauma.

Other common semi-truck accident injuries can include:

What Is Considered a Semi-Truck Accident in Texas?

A truck accident is any vehicle accident that involves a tractor-trailer, 18-wheeler, semi-truck, or any other commercial vehicle that causes personal injury damage.

Any accident involving a truck will be traumatic and possibly life-changing. The sheer size and weight of 18-wheelers are overwhelming. Pedestrians and small cars don’t stand a chance against the incredible force of commercial trucks. Truck accidents involving large commercial vehicles, like 18-wheelers, can cause serious injuries or death.

Who is Responsible for a Truck Accident?

Commercial truck drivers must follow strict safety guidelines. However, this does not mean they’re always compliant. Lack of attention to safety guidelines set in place by the motor carrier safety and administration can cause catastrophic truck accidents, especially in busy cities, like Houston.

How Long Does it Take to Settle Houston Truck Accident Cases?

A truck accident claim can take anywhere from a couple of months to over a year to settle. Typically, the more severe the injuries and property damage, the longer the truck accident case will take. It is more difficult to determine the value of, say, traumatic brain injuries than it is of whiplash.

When it comes to semi-truck accidents, cases can take longer, as well. Typically, a semi-truck accident lawsuit presents a unique set of challenges because oftentimes, multiple lines of insurance exist. The truck and trailer are often owned by two separate trucking companies and are insured by different carriers.

Trucking companies are generally responsible for the actions of their employees. As a result, when a commercial or company vehicle is involved in a truck accident, the truck driver and the commercial trucking company involved may be liable for injuries.

What Damages Can I Recover in a Houston Truck Accident Case?

Victims of Houston trucking accidents may be able to recover damages.

These damages could include (but aren’t limited to):

  • All medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental and emotional suffering
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Nursing home care costs
  • Disfigurement and permanent scarring
  • Rehabilitation fees
  • Loss of income
  • Decreased earning capacity for future
  • Loss of consortium

How Dangerous Are Houston Trucking Accidents?

houston truck accident lawyers

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 4,102 people died in truck accidents in 2017. These numbers don’t begin to account for the many people who survive truck accidents with serious injuries.

Houston highways are subject to heavy semi-truck traffic. This volume of truck traffic puts Houston residents at an added risk of suffering injuries in truck accidents. Furthermore, oilfield traffic and other large trucks on the road can pose an added risk to passenger vehicles.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits After Fatal Truck Accidents in Houston

After a fatal truck accident in Houston, family members of the deceased can sue the negligent party for the losses they incurred from the crash. If you lost a loved one in a Texas truck crash, speak with a wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible.

After a fatal Houston truck accident, family members have not only lost a loved one, but also taken on medical expenses, funeral expenses, burial expenses, and more. They deserve compensation for their losses just as the victim would have had they survived. File a wrongful death claim as soon as possible to seek justice for your family and your lost loved one.

Houston Trucking Accident FAQs

Two of the most dangerous highways in the commercial trucking industry are located in Houston, Texas. These roads are I-10 and US-290. They see a very high level of traffic every day, including both passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles. While passenger cars see more crashes at intersections, commercial truck crashes occur more often on highways and rural roads.

The length of a Texas truck accident case heavily depends on a few important factors. Some of these factors include the severity of your injuries, the amount of evidence, and whether or not you were partially to blame. Semi-truck crashes are often much more complicated than the average Houston car accident, which means they tend to take longer to settle.

While we cannot estimate how long your case might take without careful evaluation, we can say that commercial vehicle accident cases usually take anywhere from 6 months to a few years to settle. In fact, your claim’s progress may even be delayed if you are recovering from a serious injury. Working with a skilled truck accident attorney can help your case proceed as smoothly and quickly as possible.

This also depends on the specifics of your case. Every law firm and every truck accident lawyer is different. No two attorneys are guaranteed to charge the same amount in legal fees for the same case. However, when it comes to their settlement cut, most Houston truck accident lawyers won’t take more than 33% of the full recovery.

The best way to determine what a particular law firm or attorney will charge is by scheduling a free consultation with them. In fact, this is one of the questions to ask a personal injury attorney that we recommend to our clients. It’s important to work with a Texas truck accident lawyer who is experienced in personal injury claims, but they should also ensure that you get fair compensation from the settlement or award.

Texas uses a modified comparative negligence system for personal injury claims. This means that someone’s compensation can be reduced by the percentage they were at fault for the crash. Importantly, someone is barred from seeking compensation if they are 50% or more to blame for the accident.

Therefore, as long as you are not more than 50% responsible for a serious truck accident, you still have the right to file a claim.

Again, this is a difficult question to answer. Even if you see a number online for the “average truck accident settlement,” there is no guarantee that your recovery will be similar. Texas truck accident cases vary widely in terms of complexity and severity, both of which can affect the value of a claim.

Rather than asking what the average settlement is for a case, we strongly recommend scheduling a consultation with our skilled truck accident lawyers. We will evaluate your claim and ensure that it is valued fairly.

Why Choose Reich & Binstock for Your Case?

houston truck accident attorneys

The truck accident attorneys at Reich & Binstock have decades of experience representing victims of serious and fatal truck crashes across the state of Texas. Trucking accident victims and their families deserve compensation for their losses, and our team is here to help them fight for it.

Our unique experience in motor vehicle accident cases will work in your favor during both settlement negotiations and during trial, if necessary. We have what it takes to conduct a thorough accident investigation, initiate your personal injury lawsuit, negotiate with the insurance company, and give you the peace of mind you deserve.

While you focus on healing, we’ll focus on handling your case and fighting for your right to just compensation.

Experienced Houston Truck Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a truck accident involving a tractor-trailer, 18-wheeler, or another industrial vehicle, damages may be recoverable. For a free consultation to determine whether you are entitled to compensation, and thus the peace of mind and financial relief from the costs of medical treatment, contact an 18-wheeler accident attorney in Houston, TX. Either use our contact form or call 713-622-7271 today to schedule.

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There is never a fee unless we recover on your behalf.
Additionally, clients are not obligated to pay expenses if a recovery is not made.

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